Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Babble on.

I had the pleasure of lunching with Canadian blogdom's undisputed fisking champion, Bob Tarantino today. For a couple of guys whose lives couldn't be much more different outside of blogging, it's interesting that we don't actually find ourselves talking about blogging that much. Anyhow, once we'd gotten past catching up, talking work, shaking our heads in unison over the latest transgressions of The Grope and Flail and Pravda Canada, and dispassionately discussing the artistic merits of Jessica Simpson's These Boots video, the topic of a beer-up was raised. And Nicholas, it doesn't matter if you're swilling wine, it's still called a beer-up - but I digress.

August and September are generally busy times, as folks scramble around to take vacations before the end of summer overtakes them, and then hit the reset button on the family schedule once school restarts. But surely we can find time in there somewhere to raise a pint or two with each other despite all that.

So, for any interested in a VRWC (Toronto Chapter) pub night sometime before October, please drop me a line by e-mail or comment to let me know which dates would be inconvenient for you. I can't guarantee we'll be able to please everyone, but a straw poll certainly can't hurt as we try to pick a date.

Babble off.

Update: Is there a building consensus around Friday, August 26th?


At 7:21 p.m., Blogger Walsh Writes said...

I am in North York and I would be interested in meeting up somewhere in the GTA.

Have no preferences at this time in regards dates.

If you can get at least a dozen people interested then I hope that at least half would actually show up.

At 8:26 p.m., Blogger Babbling Brooks said...

Hey Brian, check out the links to previous get-togethers. A dozen isn't a problem.

At 9:57 p.m., Blogger VW said...

Hmm ... I do plan to be in Toronto for the CNE Anime Expo, 26-28 Aug. If you've got something scheduled then I'd be interested.

At 10:47 a.m., Blogger K. Shoshana said...

I like the sound of Aug 26-28th - as I will still be free of the tribe - so as long as the meeting place is within easy access you can count me in.

At 11:32 a.m., Blogger Kathy said...

That weekend sounds fine as long as a) nobody tells Zerb about this one (ANTHONY!!) and b) nobody talks about anime within 5 feet of me.

Last event was at the usual Queen West faux Britpub. I'll wear my new CHE GUEVARA: MURDERING COMMUNIST BASTARD t-shirt.

At 12:04 p.m., Blogger Babbling Brooks said...

You know what I love about you Kathy? I never have to guess what you're thinking.

Murdering Communist Bastard? ROTFLMAO!

At 12:28 p.m., Blogger RightGirl said...

Whoohoo! Can I come too?


At 12:46 p.m., Blogger bob said...

There are no merits to Jessica Simpson's "These Boots" video.

At 12:55 p.m., Blogger rick mcginnis said...

That's the day after I get back from the annual fambly trip to Nova Scotia, but I have a sneaky suspicion that I've already booked the night for my annual beer-up with another group of people I only see annually or semi-annually. (See what happens when you have kids? Your social life turns into something that happens less often than trips to the dentist.) I would, of course, love to be there, as I don't get enough chances to show off my shirts.

At 1:31 p.m., Blogger Greg Staples said...

I am always up for beer. I will see if I can bring in a crew from KW.

At 2:39 p.m., Blogger Babbling Brooks said...

Rick, I hear ya regarding the social life. Ask Tarantino how I bored him with my kids' camping stories. Your urban cowboy chic would be sorely missed at any blogging get-together, so I hope you can make it.

At 5:40 p.m., Blogger Walsh Writes said...

Aug 26-28th sounds like a good time to me too..

At 9:32 a.m., Blogger Kathy said...

Rick, you can meet your friends upstairs and intermitently join us downstairs. It'll be like the lamest Canadian sitcom ever!

At 10:44 a.m., Blogger Jason Hickman said...

If it's the Friday, I should be able to make it w/o a problem (assuming I'm let in!).

At 10:20 a.m., Blogger Unknown said...

Errr, can we bring our spouses? I don't go anywhere without my husband.

Yeah. I know. It's pathetic.


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