Saturday, October 28, 2006

Welcome to the woodshed, Mr. Akin

Babble on.

Mark Collins takes CTV reporter David Akin out back and absolutely thrashes him - to my thinking, deservedly so. In attempting to craft a 'balanced' story, David gives more weight to remarks and ideas that he well knows don't merit it. While this creates the illusion of balance, those who know the merits of both arguments see it for what it is: a mirage.

I generally like and respect David, but this is not his finest hour, and I'm glad Mark called him on it.

For more decent information on the C-130J vs. A-400M debate, head on over to

The bottom line is that even if the A-400M eventually turns out to be a better plane, we need replacements for our Hercs yesterday, and the Airbus is not only years away from flying, it's even longer away from delivery.

That is to say, if we buy the updated Hercules, we're buying an airplane. If we buy the Airbus, we're buying a nice idea.

I'll take the plane, thank you very much.

Babble off.


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