A little appreciation goes a long, long way
Babble on.
Much as we don't set policy or launch operations just to get noticed, it's kind of nice when someone does:
On April 22, 2006 four Canadian soldiers were killed in Afghanistan by a roadside bomb. Respects and heartfelt sadness go to the families of those heroes who stand alongside the U.S. in the Long War half a world away. While we focus on the war in Iraq, the fighting continues in Afghanistan where side-by-side the U.S. and one of its most loyal allies, Canada, engage the re-emergence of the Taliban.
Canada is like a close uncle who constantly argues, badgers, and complains about what you are doing, but when help is truly needed, you can't keep him away: he's right there alongside you. We have a unique relationship with Canada. We have different political positions on many issues, but our unique friendship has weathered world wars, global crises, and the ever-so-often neighborhood disagreement.
If a little shot of 'attaboy' would do you some good, do yourself a favour and read the rest of it.
Thanks to Mark at The Torch for the tip.
Babble off.