Monday, April 25, 2005

An embarrassing attempt to avoid embarrassment

Babble on.

Don't ever take a job that gives you responsibility that outpaces your authority. I learned that axiom a long time ago, and it has served me well.

It seems others live by it too:

Barbara Finlay, who was appointed acting ombudsman by [Defence Minister] Graham when Andre Marin resigned April 1, stepped down last week.

Spokeswoman Barbara Theobalds said Finlay quit after she received a letter from Graham April 14 confirming her appointment and asking that she forward sensitive complaints to the minister's office.
Theobalds noted that Marin was not subject to the constraint, adding the rule means if the ombudsman's office receives more than one complaint on a sensitive topic, Graham has to vet it before an investigation is launched.

"What she wants is the full authority of an ombudsman," Theobalds said.

Unfortunately for ordinary soldiers, sailors, and airmen, what the MND wants is the ability to smother any further hint of embarrassment for his department and his party before the public catches wind of it.

Too late Billy. Wipe the egg off your face, and try again.

Babble off.


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