Friday, December 03, 2004

Grandmama bringin' it old-school

Babble on.

Last night my grandparents were in town, visiting from Ottawa. The discussion around the dinner table eventually touched on the widely-publicized but anemic protests against GWB from earlier this week. Here's what my retired-grade-two-schoolteacher, adopts-abused-cats, sings-the-silliest-songs, sweetest-lady-in-the-neighbourhood grandmother had to say about the whole thing:

"Did you see they interviewed some fool with pink hair on the news? I'm going deaf, you know, but some days I just don't think it's happening fast enough."

Best. Line. Ever.

Babble off.


At 2:56 p.m., Blogger Shamrocks! said...

...Funny stuff. That's killer.

At 5:18 p.m., Blogger Gordon Pasha said...

Thanks Damian, does the heart good to know there are folks out there who just see it the way it is. Cheers.


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