Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Just a bruise? Next time, sharpen the stake.

Babble on.

Even a blind squirrel stumbles across an acorn on occasion. So too with Heather "And Your Little Dog Too!" Mallick:

What I most admire about the Lee Valley Tools people is their talent for seeing danger where I believe none exists, right up to the moment of injury when I curse myself for not having bought the gadget that would have saved me.

On this point, I agree with her. Too bad she can't apply that lesson beyond her own bruised ribcage - a predictable symptom of her obvious self-obsession. In fact, that line of reasoning is why I would vote Republican in November were I an American citizen. You see:

What I admire about the Republicans is their talent for seeing danger where I believe none exists, right up to the moment when I use my dying breath to curse myself for not having paid nearly enough attention to fundamentalist Islamoterror.

Seeing threats where others don't is truly a talent, and a much needed one in today's chaotic and unpredictable world. Lee Valley isn't the only organization that does it well.

Babble off.


At 3:57 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I like that. I daresay that rolls off the tongue even more nicely than "AdScam".

-- Sean (www.polspy.ca)

At 4:52 p.m., Blogger Greg said...

But B., seeing threats where none really exist, is a form of mental illness.

At 5:30 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...seeing threats where none really exist, is a form of mental illness."

Sez you. Even paranoids have enemies.

At 6:06 p.m., Blogger Shannon said...

But Greg, there's a difference between seeing threats where none really exists, and seeing threats where one believes none exists...which I think is what Damian was getting at.


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