Friday, December 23, 2005

Le grand poulet orange

Babble on.

It's not often you see a political leader in Canada with true courage. Here's Jack Layton talking about health care in Quebec yesterday:

Speaking in Montreal, Layton singled out Quebec Premier Jean Charest.

"I came here to deliver a message, one that he needs to hear. Back off," Layton said.

"You are not going to destroy public health care. New Democrats won't let you. Make no mistake about it."

Oh, wait.

Jack wasn't in Quebec, he was in Alberta. And he was addressing his remarks to Ralph Klein, not Jean Charest. Ooops. My bad.

Well, at least he was picking on the province and premier who have done the most to let private health care into their system.

Oh, wait.

Ooops, my bad again.

Well, at least he's being fair by blasting both Alberta and Quebec with the same strong language, as evidenced by his last speech in Quebec.

Oh, wait.

Well, Jack! is an honourable guy, so there has to be a good reason for this.

I mean, it couldn't be he's avoiding the fight in Quebec because he knows his fundamentalist view of healthcare isn't popular with the people of Quebec. Y'know, the ones who vote, the real bosses in a democracy.

It couldn't be that yet another eastern elitist, no-fat-latte-sipping, limousine socialist politician is just scoring cheap political points at the expense of his Chardonnay-tasting-club's favourite punching bag, Ralph Klein and the rednecks that voted him in.

It couldn't be that Jack! refuses to walk the walk by standing up for what he believes is right even where it's unpopular.

It couldn't be he's chicken.

Could it?

Babble off.


At 6:48 p.m., Blogger J West said...

Well, Jack Boot knows that the so called red necks in Alberta are the only tolerant people in Canada.

Why, becaue they are big people. People who know what they want and are willing to do what it takes to get it ..ON THEIR OWN!

The rest of the child citizenry balk at innovation and self-reliance like it's rude and evil.

Good post Babs.

At 8:39 a.m., Blogger Greg said...

In the spirit of Christmas, I won't argue with you Damian. I will share with you these lines from Layton's speech though:

"So I’m telling Ralph Klein, Gordon Campbell – and Jean Charest too.

New Democrats will defend public health care." (and he repeated this part in French too)

In the words of someone you admire, "Some chicken. Some neck." Merry Christmas, big guy.

At 9:38 a.m., Blogger EUGENE PLAWIUK said...

Gee Kate you forgot one group of hypocrites, injured workers on WCB. Wanna kick their crutches too?!

At 6:55 p.m., Blogger Candace said...

greg, if Jack were serious about "coming after" Charest, why wouldn't he say it in Quebec? Do you think, perhaps, it's because coverage of the party leaders outside Quebec is probably minimal inside Quebec?

Just askin'

And Eugene, I guess by acknowledging that WCB claimants access a different system, paid for by WCB rather than healthcare, you're acknowledging that, in certain circumstances, 2-tiered is okay?

Babs: What say you on Harper's announcement in BC today? (Since I haven't a clue about the military...)

At 7:04 a.m., Blogger Greg said...

Candace, If he wasn't serious he wouldn't have repeated that particular section of the speech in French and I would have jumped on him. He did, so I won't.


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