Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Condescension, thy name is Spector

Babble on.

The following is snipped directly from the Western Standard's Shotgun group blog - which I have been visiting lately the same way one slows down on the highway to gawk at a car crash (ht: Dr.M):

In the absence of links, I guess I'll just have to console myself with a column in the Globe and Mail, Le Devoir, the Vancouver Sun and the Times-Colonist, tv/radio work and the odd mention in the mainstream media of my "hot" website and "the most memorable battle in the history of the blogosphere" which ended in Warren Kinsella's truce declaration.

Face it Kate--with a few exceptions, the blogosphere is a miasma of ignorance, paranoia self-indulgence and prejudice.

Many bloggers haven't the foggiest idea of what they're writing about. Many blog readers haven't the intellectual capacity to differentiate between high quality and the absurdities that pass for so much of the content.

Many of the quality bloggers--such as Sullivan and Frum in the US, or Wells and Coyne in Canada--are also present in the mainstream media. Many of those who are not in the mainstream media are waiting for their chance to get a real job. In the meantime, many would have very little to write about if it were not for the content of the mainstream media.

Granted, there are a lot of errors in the mainstream media that provide considerable fuel for bloggers. However, the errors in the mainstream media are infinitesimal compared to the large amount of junk that fills cyberspace. As a quick experiment, one need only compare the average quality of the material in the Western Standard to the average quality on this site.

Kate, it hasn't been easy to draft this note within the rules against personal attacks that have been conveyed to you and me by Ezra Levant. I hope I've succeeded; if not, I apologize to him.

Posted by: Norman Spector | March 1, 2005 08:36 AM
(Babbler's Bold)

Y'know, you could substitute 'consumers' or 'voters' for 'bloggers' in this little rant, and come up with an entirely unoriginal argument against capitalism or democracy. Elitists don't like self-correcting systems because they don't get to be in charge.

This man's ego has developed its own gravitational field. Norm: Get. Over. Yourself.

Babble off.


At 2:18 p.m., Blogger JimBobby said...

Whooee! Ol' Inspector Normy seems t' rub lotsa people the wrong way an' with that there comment 'bout ignorant boogers, it's easy t' see why. He an' this here Katey look like they got a big hate on fer one another.

I see he's postin' most days over t' ol' Elvis's BoogsCanadee Egroup an' gettin' inta comment wars with the leftyLibs that hang out over there. Looks like he's makin' enemies on both sides.

I ain't been boogin' very long but I read sumpin' not long ago sed that there was a war between boogers an' journalists but that the war was over. I reckon, ol' Normy ain't seen the armistice.

Yores trooly,

At 4:20 p.m., Blogger david said...

Which ever way you want to slice it Spector and Kinsella are old hat. They're too old to reinvent themselves look at the age of the interesting bloggers. Norman and Warren are pompous establishment types with all the baggage that comes with that history.

At 7:34 p.m., Blogger AdSense Angel said...

Did you notice the typically graceless slur at the end? "If not, I apologise to him." Not apologise to you, but to him.

I've axed Spector from my blogroll. Why patronise someone who's such an ass? All the invocations of "look at my graduate degree" are really starting to pick my grits, too. I don't think I have ever read anyone else on the internet commit the Argument From Authority fallacy more often than Spector. You don't see Damian Penny say "ooh! ooh! look at me! I've got an LL.B.!", or ex-military people flapping their gums about their rank. I'm not getting up on my g**d*** soapbox talking about Royal College and American Boards certification.

Spector should do all of us moron bloggers a favour and limit his Words Of Wisdom to the Internationally Acclaimed Victoria Times-Colonist.

At 9:40 a.m., Blogger MB said...

"Face it Kate--with a few exceptions, the blogosphere is a miasma of ignorance, paranoia self-indulgence and prejudice."

I think Norm has done more than his part to assist in keeping it this way.

At 10:41 p.m., Blogger John the Mad said...

"Many bloggers haven't the foggiest idea of what they're writing about."

Guess he doesn't read Red Ensign blogs much. Some of us actually have real life, honest to goodness, subject matter expertise on the matters we post.

What pompous rot! Very illustrative of the "L'etat c'est moi" mentality of our political elites.

(My expertise does not extend to our other official language. Did I get that phrase right? If not, you get the drift.)


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